Selected Pubs
2018 (1 pub)
2016 (5 pubs)
2015 (3 pubs)
2014 (11 pubs)
2007 (3 pubs)
2006 (8 pubs)
2005 (5 pubs)
2004 (3 pubs)
2003 (3 pubs)
2001 (4 pubs)
2000 (4 pubs) 
1999 (7 pubs)
1998 (14 pubs)
1997 (12 pubs)
1996 (1 pub)
1995 (3 pubs)
1994 (1 pub)
1991 (1 pub)
1989 (1 pub)
1996 Publications

Agent development tools for the open agent architecture.   MARTIN D., CHEYER A. & LEE GL. (1996).  Proceedings of the First International Conference on the Practical Application of Intelligent Agents and Multi-Agent Technology, (London), April 1996. (PDF: 122K)